Everything You Need to Know

Self-employed individuals who had to take time off in 2021 because of COVID-19 are likely to qualify for the these tax credits provided by the American Rescue Plan Act.

  • Who Qualifies?

    Approximately 30 to 50+ million people are eligible, including individuals in the following categories:

    • Single Member LLCs
    • Independent Contractors
    • Sole Proprietors
    • Freelancers
    • Gig Workers
    • Beauty Industry Professionals
    • Construction Trades
    • Realtors
    • Uber/Lyft Drivers

    If you fall into any of these groups, you may qualify for the Self Employed Tax Credit.

  • What Qualfiies?

    If you are self-employed and unable to work due to any of the following, it may be considered a qualifying event:

    • You were diagnosed with COVID-19.
    • You had to care for a family member affected by COVID-19.
    • You were unable to go to work or telework due to COVID-19 restrictions.
    • Government shutdowns or mandates prevented you from working.
    • School or childcare closures impacted your ability to work.
    • You were required to quarantine.
    • You experienced symptoms related to COVID-19 that prevented you from working.
  • How?

    GigBack calculates the amount you're eligible for based on your average daily self-employment income. For sick leave, you can claim up to 10 days of income, either at 100% of your average daily income if you were sick up to $511 per day, or 67% if you were caring for someone else up to $200 per day. For family leave, you can claim up to 50 days at 67% of your daily income up to $200 per day! We report this using Form 7202 when filing your amended tax returns, and since it’s a refundable credit, it can results in a tax refund that goes right back to you!